General Information Disclaimer incorporates all materials that are solely meant for the average reader. It is our policy to provide quality information on this site. However, such information may be incomplete and we do not purport to be authoritative on any information contained in this site.

Limitation of liability

We shall not be held liable for any use of our content that leads to damages. Any action undertaken in relation to the information provided in our site is however at the risk of the user.

Professional advice disclaimer

Baddie is not a form of original content advice. Anyone who has to provide specific advice (medical, legal, financial, etc.) should consult a competent professional only.

External Links Disclaimer

Links to other websites may be included in Baddiehuh to provide more information to the users. Such sites are not under our control and we disclaim any responsibility for the content on these sites. Entering those websites is done at your own risk.

Contact Us for clarifications

For questions or comments relating to this disclaimer please contact us at [email protected].